Monday, December 28, 2009

Why waste good X'mas food?!

I hate wasting food, well as in making something out of nothing. As the official chef of the family, I thought of not wasting food and always re-using leftovers as much as I can. In this instant was the good ol' turkey and shoulder ham. When my 3rd brother said he was buying a small bird.... I assumed it would be a runt of a turkey and maybe, it would be SMALL? I guess, they feed turkeys with steroids?! Same goes for the porkie... they should have a new definition - KAMPONG TURKEY and KAMPONG BABI.

Having said that, this dish today is just a simple one, but easily made gloriously without shame for it to look like some pile of a party goer's puke. Let's call it: X'mas Lefties Meatloaf

- shred 300g of turkey and 300g of shoulder ham, MINCE them all!! Work that wrist baby!!
- add 4 table spoons of BBQ sauce
- add 2 table spoons of mustard (I used Dijon, if you don't like the taste, whack in some Honey Mustard instead)
- add 2 table spoons of Olive oil
- 5 slices of white bread .... SHRED!!
- 2 slices of RAISIN bread also to be shreded
- 1 egg
- 200g of cheese (Mozza if you like for it to be sexy, Cheddar if you like it to be tasty, Blue if you like it to be classy)
- all the above.... MIXING TIME!!!!! Just mish and mash them into a disgusting pile of mush. (Initially, it looks the pits, but I tell you..... YUMMYLICIOUS 'lorrrrr'!!)
- Olivize a baking pan for easy removal of meatloaf later and place the mushy mixture into the pan
- Place this into an oven and cover the top with Alu foil and cook mush for 45 mins only removing the alu foil on the last 10 mins (brush melted butter on top surface in the final 10 mins)
- I had some left over turkey sauce and I decided to make it more de-lish: just pour the whole bowl and (I think its about 1 personal chinese soup bowl portion), add half a bowl of water and add 2 table spoons of KECAP MANIS and just continue to blend together in a mid-heat pan. When the colour is all consistent, reduce the heat to lowest and let it slowly cook (this is how you make reductions) This will make the sauce strong and thick and can be diluted later by adding more water.

Serving is simple - you can dress it up as I did above or you can have it Full Monty (relax! its only food!) Make sure that you drizzle some Parma Cheese and dashes of Chilli Flake Olive Oil to elevate the taste after lacing the meatloaf with the sauce that we made with the leftover turkey sauce.

Christmas.... PROS - family, good food, drinks, merry making, jolly good time / CONS - I am now 4 kg heavier!? DANGGGG!!!!!!

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