Friday, December 18, 2009

She feels like Chicken tonight!!!

If I were given a dollar everytime the Mrs says this, I will be a rich rich man..... but alas, I don't get that dollar, so no wealth beyond my wildest dreams. She just had a good interview today and I hope that she gets that position and when she does, we can get good chocolate cakes... for now, I'll just try to remember the taste that I know so well of that cake..... hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Remember when I made the sandwich yesterday? Well, a good mate saw it posted on Facebook and 20 minutes later, he was at my doorstep with a hot plastic packet of 'Kopi Siu Dai' in exchange to be the 1st out of the family to try that..... and I guess the image below tells a thousand words.... :)

Last night, after having fed the family with the oversized sandwich, I was told to go meet a friend who is THE DADDY of anything computing. Having known him from Uni days in Leicester, England, he was the gent who got me started on DIABLO! Now, I am just wishing that Blizzard will release Diablo3 in Jan 2010 rather than Dec 2010....... ARGGGGGhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :(

Anyway, this comp whiz told me a thing or two about writing this blog and hopefully, my not-so-comp inclined brain can catch up with his words of wisdom IN EXCHANGE for a Fillet-O-Fish Meal @ East Coast Macs. Here are his BlogS..... (and I have only 1...crap)

At 11pm we parted ways with him picking up his lovely Mrs from her D&D event whilst I went back home to.... sleep. My Mrs had to entertain her friend who is visiting from Australia.... ahhhh.... the WHOLE KING BED to myself... although at about 445am, the Mrs was sleeping diagonally and eating into MY 1/3 of the bed!!!

Anyway, Chicken Wings. Let's dwell on this fowl topic shall we ( FOWL and not FOUL.... geddit? geddit?! WAHAHA I kill me....... *crickets chirping* funny guys....funny) The Mrs is feling rather PECKISH (punt soooo intended) so she is thinking of having a Wings and Beer night! Woo hoo! Except, I don't really drink beer.... the odd Kilkennys here and there. She mentioned that she will buy from Scruffy Murphy's in Marina area BUT was delayed due to the mobile X'mas Deco that had a barrage of Police escorts.

I did tell the Mrs to buy from Pasir Panjang Food Village thou, at $1 a wing, it's cheap and cheerful? I reckon she will buy from both locales... we'll see. But for now, let's talk about Old El Paso Tex Mex Chix Wingx.

- Chix Wingx(s) maybe about 500g of it mixed into a regular satchet of Old El Paso Tex Mex dressing and of course to add more flavours like pinch of sugar, pinch of salt, tablespoon of soy sauce and garlic powder. Mix them well... very well to allow the infusion of the mix into the chix wingx. Let it rest for 2 hours.

- Frying the wings can be done via deep fry or pan fry. When deep frying, please be careful and not let the heat be too much else, when you plop in the wings..... KA BOOM.... (Mythbusters on Nat Geo) So I rather pan fry them babies. Make sure that you toss these suckers over alot to prevent them from being overdone. When they are slightly dark brown as image, they are done. (the soy sauce and the satchet mix will not give off that GOLDEN brown look but more dark-ish brown)

Serving, what can I say? Let me tell you the steps:

1) Pick up wing
2) Blow to cool
3) Dip into Chilli Sauce / Ketchup / Mayo
4) Open mouth
5) Sink them incisours into the meat
6) Chew
7) Swallow
8) Repeat Step 1

ARIBAH ARIBAH ANDELEH!!!!!!!!!!! Now, where is the Mrs with the alleged wings?!


  1. dude..
    link exchange means u go to customize layout..

    add a new widget.."Link List"

    and then add my link there..

    see my site at

    for example.. [see the right top corner ]

  2. see.... i told you my brain is not inclined to the computing side of life
