Anyway, with the mum visiting from Jakarta, I don't think I will be cooking that much, so I'll post a previous dish that I made.
Focaccia Hamburger on Rockets and the all magic ingredient.. EASY CHEEZEEEEEEE by Kraft; wasted how they only sell the American Cheese... but nevertheless, it made the burger taste... EASY....
Focaccia bread by Gardenia was tasty and lightly toasted for 1 minutes on high heat will suffice. And it's huge size makes for sharing fantastically possible.
The meat is simple - 400g of beef is all thats needed. Marinate it with a small pouch of Old Del Paso dressing. Punch the meat and make sure that all the marinate is evenly distributed and also add an egg halfway thru the bashing and continue on your relentless persuit to blend all that goodness together. Add a table spoon of olive oil before stopping.
(The meat should then be let to rest for about an hour and after that, shape them into flat burger like sizes, I made mine rather thick, about 3/4 inch thick each.)
When the grill pan is already hot, a dash of olive oil to the pan and let the meat dive unto the grill.... the sizzles of the pan will start to make your tongue do the Rumba! 2 minutes on high heat for each side to make the meat cooked and add a dash of pepper afterwards. If you want the meat to be fully cooked, 2 more minutes before you remove them from the pan.
Now to transform all the components to 1 hell of a wicked burger:
- Spread some mayo and place rockets (or any other greens that you like) on the bottom side of the bread and place buffalo tomato slices unto it
- Lay the patties unto the tomatoes and top it with that EASY CHEESE
- Finally, the top slice of the Focaccia to complete this huge burger and its ready to eat!!
Fast and easy, not too expensive as well and feeds 4 (unless you are the size of 1 of my mates)
CHOW TIME!!!!!!!
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