Coffee with mates brought me to buy a Diablo book.... damn its thick! But I think it'll be good to kill time, hopefully.
Whilst chatting along, I was as usual, compelled to get unto Facebook thru my BB and viola! I saw a friend who posted - Meatballs, meatballs, meatballs!!
*lighted bulb above my head* Let's make today a Speggs and Meatballs day!
Tagging along with my best mate since Poly, whilst he was shopping winter wear (make that long johns) for his Japan holiday (lucky bast*rd), I was thinking on how to cook the speggs and meatballs. Shall I just buy off-the-shelf Ragu Sauce or make the sauce myself? Well, what the heck, I decided to do it myself. :)
NTUC @ Tampines Mall, huge and I love it! Easy shopping - 200g of minced Pork, 200g of mined Beef, a bottle of Del Monte ketchup, a can of diced tomatoes, house brand speggs..... SGD10, enough to feed 4!
Upon reaching home at 8pm, me and me mate started to prepare for dinner..... by 8:35, it was done!! Easy peasy.
Tomato sauce - pour the whole can of diced tomatoes (400g) into a deep pan, fill 3/4 of the can with water and add to the pot. A tablespoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of garlic, a teaspoon of salt and a dash of pepper, cook it for 20 minutes over mid heat. Do add herbs like basil and oregano (dried or fresh) to highten the taste. If you want the sauce to be thicker, add corn starch solution. In the meantime....
Meatballs (1) - mix the beef and pork mince together in a big bowl and start pounding dem!!! Just imagine that boss you hate, the co-worker you want to kill or the live in mum-in-law you want to choke (kidding... I love mums); add salt and pepper, that's 1 teaspoon and dashes respectively. Continue to pounce on the meat and add a spoon of olive oil. As your hands will get dirty, ask someone else to do it for you.... (my mate did it heh heh) Lastly, add a full egg into the meat and continue to pound! After the mixture is properly mixed, you can now shape them into balls. (LOL.. I can't help it) Ok, easy way is to just tear the meat and round them using your palms else you can use a spoon to scoop up the meat and with only 1 palm, round them with the spoon as well. Make sure that the balls are slightly smaller than a golf ball (it's up to you actually).
Meatballs (2) - frying is the fastest way and just quickly, over high heat for 2 minutes will do the trick and making sure that you constantly move the balls around (snigger). Remove them after 2 minutes and let them rest for a minute (remove excess oil). Now, if you want, you can bake the balls for 3 minutes on high in the toaster thingy, which I did. After the balls are done, put them into the sauce whilst the sauce is slowly cooking.
Speggs - In a pot, add salt and olive oil (so that they don't stick together), cook the speggs until they are 'al dente', that's about 4 minutes on high heat and 3 minutes on medium heat. When done, rinse the speggs in cold water... this is to make the speggs more springy. Make sure that the water in the pot is boiling before you put in the speggs. (Not insulting you all, just in case... just in case)
After all is cooked and done respectively, add them all into the sauce; that's speggs, meatballs and sauce of course. Add half a normal drinking cup of the spegg water (that's starch) to the sauce to thicken it slightly. Stir them all together for a bout 2 minutes in medium heat and DONE!
Serve them in a plate and distribute evenly. Finishing touch is to add mozza cheese and not parmessano cheese (it's just different in taste and texture and adds 'stretch' to the dish).
Just nice, the cousin came to the house and the Mrs just came back from work.... Buon Appetito!!
Oh! Oh! A quickie garlic bread.... (what?! as in quickie recipe). Toast the bread for 3 minutes. Mix a table spoon of Mayo and a teaspoon of pre-cut garlic until even. Spread this unto toasted bread and cut into halves.... serve and enjoy.
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